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Thursday, 24 June 2010

Howdy howdy howdy, since i got a fresh crisp new sketchbook yesterday its been sitting there burning holes in my head so i had to just hoy something in it and for some reason the first thing that came to mind was vader so there he is. i originally drew up the rough shapes from memory but soon turned to the trusty star wars vault book for reference on certain details and to be honest i had a hoot creating cartoon versions of boring stuff like clothing and shoes n stuff and while doin this had thought of recreating different film characters in my own style while trying to avoid the obvious like the terminator and rocky. colouring this guy was a pain in the arse since the guy is totally black so i had to find different shades so that each body part was recognisable and also that i didnt lose the outlines and details. but yeah there you go Darth Vader and yeah i know he doesnt really have red eyes but to be honest he doesnt really exist so its all good. later SF
Hey another pic but this is from when i first started college and everything i drew was huge ripped guys fighting shit with big guns (too many nineties comics i think). i found this the other day and thought that i owed it to myself to at least colour it up, its not done that well as it was kinda rushed but thought it was pretty cool as it summed up my earlier style, quite funny when i look back and kinda cringworthy when i see how big that guys package is! quite err gay but hey i was influenced by comics. but yeh just thought itd put it up, an end of a era if you will and for good reason. anyway just bought new sketchbook so ill be uploading some more up to date pieces without huge bulges. later SF

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

A whole new bunch of crap

Right-o as promised heres the drawings i said i was working on starting with the country hick dragon. Really pushed it with oversized body parts and this originally took up a whole A3 page. I really wanted a very cartoon dragon, something that looked ubber friendly. The dragons feet have to be my favourite part of this drawing very pleased with them. Second is the angry squid, wasn't sure how this was going to turn out but not too bad i originally tried the matching coloured outline on the pirate skeleton but used again for the squid which i think really brings to picture to life. Lastly is the pirate skeleton Salty Bones Jones, when is was sketching this up i hated it and never thought it was gonna work but after using a darker shade of colour for the outline of the body part it was outlining?!?!(confused yet?) it turned out being my favourite of the three. So now that ive found out a new swish method of outlining i reckon this is gonna be the norm for me now. Anyway back to the sketchbook for more ideas. Adios muchachos. SF

Sunday, 20 June 2010


Well since recently finding out that the bank is daylight robbing the shit out of me and that i may have to turn to actual hunting to feed myself for the next few weeks this weekends been a bit of a downer to be fair. But on the bright side ive threw together some decent sketches that should hopefully keep my mind off things and prove to be pretty awesome when finished. Including an angry squid frustrated with bad tv reception, a cowboy caveman and country hick dragon, as per usual none of these sound any good but they should be up this week if x box doesnt take over my life again. So until then. SF

P.S How the fuck do you get people to follow a blog??? Pardon the french but c'mon!

Friday, 18 June 2010

Reet well just finished (well, not finished just got sick of) the gorilla vs whale pic. Thought it was gonna come together while i coloured it up but still seems bit bland, prob just me getting bored way too easily midway through drawings. But anyway i changed the colour of the outlines of the crowd which took some time but kinda worked and now that ive had a fiddle with this method im gonna put it to the test. Im busy working on a weird pirate skeleton thing inspired by Captain Morgans rum where i hope to give each part of the drawing an outline that matches the colour of that part??? if that makes any sense? should be up soon enough so you'll see anyway. later days.SF

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Two blogs in one day, check me out.

Since i was canny impressed by the outcome of the jason drawing i tried to see if i could use the same style for something else, which happened to be mortal kombat. Not a bad drawing, i redrew the outlines so that they were thicker and moved them closer together, you wont really know what im on about cause i haven't put the original up but it was shite. My only problem with this drawing is zub zeros cabbage hand but hey was just a test. The head stack was just a doodle that i just finished on the computer as im addicted to the live trace tool on illustrator, its awesome draw something up in pen live trace and hey presto fancy ass picture. But anyway im busy drawing a whale fight a gorilla in a boxing match so toodle loo.

Right well been done with college for bout 2 weeks now and these are pretty much the only drawings ive done since. Trying to get back into the swing of drawing whatever i feel instead of working towards a brief. Anywas im nuts for the jason in the middle but think the cap america is bit rushed not really that decent, but still least the robots got underwear.
Hopefully this blog thing will be updated quite often and my artwork (along with my blogging skills) will get a lot better, until then later. SF